22nd February, 2008 and the After Math

I have concluded my 18 months long German stay as the KU – 285 made a successful touchdown at Zia International Airport. Let me rewind back for few days, starting with my graduation program at Hochschule Esslingen..

The declared VVS-strike has cut me short on my quick room checkout plan. However during my 30 min delay to reach Moehringen, the kind HausMeister (I hope I get the security deposit back!) rearranged the room furniture for me. Coolness! >D

Packed with a total weight of 75 kg, I grabbed the 14th hour ICE to Frankfurt. Narrowly managing to enter the 17th hour window for Dipon bhai’s Ceremony. Dad came up with a smart plan of stacking the bags in the 4 euro storage locker at the train station. after that we quickly grabbed the tram for the ceremony.
As I recall, except for some major trembling of the mike at my hand, there was no mishap at all (later, Sumi vabi operated my mike and all went rather well)! Nabila vabi was super at the presentation and so was Fahim bhai and Tupa bhai. Let’s not downsize the superb performance of Sumi vabi and Dipon bhai by complementing them. Sumi vabi gets another thanks for the sari and rescuing me by dressing me up (from the way I was grabbing my wear every body has clearly guessed my inexperience with sari :-S ).

Also thanks to Shawon vabi.. I am already missing Nabila (Not Tupa bhai’s wife..hehehehe..) I have checked on the BSA group and was wondering how come no one even made a comment about the ceremony!!  😦 

By the way, the drama staged before our geeti-kabbo was well acted! The stage-lighting was neatly done; I forgot that bhaiya’s name who worked alongside with Mamun bhai. Also special thanks to those to who attended the ceremony by surprise (we had guest from Dresden!).

There would always be people taking places of other people. Nothing waits for anyone. As I was moving out of Stuttgart, Adnan bhai moved in. It only takes some time and all that temporarily reminds us of the gone entity is our habituated practice. Like me having to fix my Y and Z of the entire text.. a small practice of typing that I picked on the German Keyboard.

Thank you everyone for everything.